All children get sick. But in poor communities where children don’t have access to healthy food and medication, they are more likely to fall sick and stay sick.
When these children get sick, their parents don’t have many ways to help them get better. The solutions are simple, relatively inexpensive, and save children’s lives, but only if they are accessible.
A family who lives somewhere without a doctor or clinic, or doesn’t have the money (or health insurance) to visit one can’t afford simple life-saving things like de-worming drugs, vitamins and supplements. Without them, children die. Sick people who don’t receive care can’t work; they get poor or stay poor, and people who are poor are at higher risk of getting sick.
Give the Children will provide life-changing medicines and health supplies to people in need. Give the Children serves all people, regardless of religion, gender, race, nationality, or ethnic background.
Every child deserves access to high quality health care regardless of the latitude and longitude of their birth place. The mission of Give the Children is to save lives by making healthcare accessible and effective in Africa
We provide medicines and health supplies to those in need around the world so they might experience life to the fullest. In times of disaster, Give the Children provides immediate humanitarian assistance and relief aid including medicines and health supplies to people left homeless and without access to basic services. From the onset days of a response, Give the Children focuses on helping communities restore critical services and works with partners to help them rebuild health systems.